Mountain Peaks Shawl by Miriam Felton
Jaggerspun Zephyr in Sage
Inox #5 24" circular needle
I started on Friday, July 28, and did some work on it over the weekend. I think it's going much faster than Icarus because the needles are two sizes larger. I also am much more confident about knitting it (thank you, Miriam, for getting me over the lace hump). I'm almost finished with my first trip through chart 1. The only problem I'm having is the "P 2 tog tbl" or "purl two together thru the back loop". Those things are a killer. I'm going to do some research today to find an easier way to do them. If anyone has any tips or techniques for this stitch they'd like to share I would be muy grateful.
On a sad note, the baby kimono may have to be scapped. Claudia sent Susan some skeins of Freesia but it was much lighter than the one I'm using. Susan said she would call Claudia again and ask her if she had any of the darker dye lot left. OK, lesson learned; never start a project unless you have all the necessary yarn in your hands.
I went to my first social knitting night at Susan's on Friday. Wow, what a great group of women! I hope to go back again on the 11th. She has it on second and fourth Fridays of the month. Next time I hope to take pictures. I can't get over what an amazing group of women and they made me feel so welcome. I am a reserved person when you put me in a group of strangers; very self-conscious and jittery. But I relaxed and knitted on Mountain Peaks and the two hours just flew by. I can't wait for the next time!
The p2tog tbl are definitely killers. Mountain Peaks is the frst time I've seen them, and I'm not a huge fan (of the stitch - I adore the shawl.) The best instructions I've seen are here (right column, 10th entry down.)
Thanks for visiting and your lovely comments. I've been thinking about Mountain Peaks. Looking forward to watching it grow over here. Love that sage green - it's going to be stunning!
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