My latest order from Sheri at the Loopy Ewe just arrived! Three more orders and I'll be a Loopy Groupie! (Place squeal of glee here.) At the top of the photo are 4 skiens of Claudia Handpaints in the Pink Cloud colorway with which I hope to make the Mitred U Baby Jacket by Megan Mills. I say I hope because I don't know if the yarn is suitable, if I have enough, and if I really understand the pattern.

The lower skien is from J-Knits in the Maryland colorway. Since I live in Maryland I felt a special connection with this colorway even though I don't understand the significance of the colors in relation to the state of Maryland. Maybe it's referring to the melons grown on the Eastern Shore. It's 75% superwash wool and 25% nylon so it should make a good sturdy pair of socks. As usual, Sheri included some extras in the order. This time I got samples of Schaefer's Lola and Anne and the Little Red Sock Kit!

In other news, it's actually snowing here at the moment. Better look quick though because it will soon turn to freezing rain that is supposed to coat everything in 1/2 to 3/4 inch of ice. Then it's supposed to get windy. Can you say "Power Outages"? Here's the view from my window at work.

Hi Kim, My friend in Cville knitted a pair of socks with the Claudia's pink/grey and they were very soft and pretty. But, I love pink and grey.
Pink and green? Maybe steamed crabs with cole slaw? Silks at Pimlico? Azaleas and Dogwood blossoms? Though I like the ES melon guess too.
I wrote to Julie at JKnits to get the story on the MD colorway. Email me at lotsofyarn at gmail dot com and I'll forward her answer.
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