Sunday, February 25, 2007

Before I learned to knit (continued)...

...I did beading. I made many necklaces and bracelets; sold some, gave some as gifts. The photo above is a closeup of an amulet bag I gave to my wonderful mother-in-law. The bag part is peyote stitch made with Delica glass beads. The fringe is Delicas and Swarovsky crystals, and the strap is crystals and Delica in peyote stitch and spiral rope stitch. I like the geometric look of the Frank Lloyd Wright design. On the back (which I forgot to photograph) are her initials.

Below is the first bag I made using a pattern by Carol Wilcox Wells. It's also peyote stitch using Delicas and a lot of other unusual beads in the fringe. Each of these bags is about 1.5" x 2". I also made one with a Southwestern motif for my sister-in-law who lives in Santa Fe. I don't have any pictures of it because I didn't have a digital camera then.

I still get a couple beading magazines and buy interesting beads when I come across them but this another hobby I've put aside to concentrate on knitting.

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