I love that the folks at Hello Yarn included a blank chart as well. I have a book of charted celtic designs and have already worked one up. I won't be able to start it until I finish with the glut of Christmas presents though.
Check out the Fall Cable KAL 2006 blog. The design is lovely. Seeing all the projects and talking about mine has got me itchin' to finish my Soft Shoulders sweater that I started 3 years ago. I posted photos of it on the blog here.
On a side note, I found out that I am allergic to buffalo - the hard way. A friend at Social Knitting Night at my lys, Y2Knit, had some buffalo yarn that she was using to knit hats. She passed it around and everyone felt how soft and yummy it was. Right away I felt like I had an eyelash in my eye and I rubbed it. BIG MISTAKE. My eyes felt like someone had thrown dirt in them. I rinsed them out at the shop and then went home and rinsed them some more and finally had to put drops in them before I could get the pain to stop. No buffalo for me. Unrefined wool does the same thing. Does that mean I can never spin?
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